Pumpkin Prosperity Spell: A Spell Involving Pumpkins to Bring Prosperity and Luck

Pumpkin Prosperity Spell: A Spell Involving Pumpkins to Bring Prosperity and Luck

Autumn is a season rich with symbols of harvest and abundance, and the pumpkin is a powerful emblem of prosperity and luck. This Pumpkin Prosperity Spell uses the magic of pumpkins to attract wealth and good fortune into your life.


  • 1 Small pumpkin
  • 1 Gold or yellow candle
  • A handful of sunflower seeds
  • A pinch of nutmeg
  • A piece of paper and pen
  • A small bowl of water
  • A heat-proof dish or cauldron


Setting the Scene

  1. Choose a Quiet Space: Find a peaceful and comfortable area where you won’t be disturbed.
  2. Set up Your Altar: Arrange all the ingredients on a small table or altar to create a sacred space.
  3. Cleanse Your Space: Use sage, incense, or your preferred cleansing method to ensure a positive environment.

Performing the Spell

Creating Sacred Space

  1. Light the Gold or Yellow Candle: Gold and yellow symbolize prosperity and luck. As you light the candle, visualize its glow bringing abundance into your life.
  2. Place the Pumpkin: Position the small pumpkin at the center of your altar. The pumpkin represents the bountiful harvest and prosperity.

Invoking Prosperity

  1. Hold the Sunflower Seeds: Sunflower seeds symbolize growth and potential. Hold the seeds in both hands and close your eyes.
    • Visualize: Picture your life filled with wealth, opportunities, and good fortune.
    • Say Aloud: “Pumpkin of gold, rich and bright, bring prosperity day and night. Seeds of the sun, growth and gain, bring me wealth, free from pain.”

Writing Your Intent

  1. Write Your Intentions: On the piece of paper, write down your specific intentions for prosperity and luck. Be clear and detailed about what you wish to attract.
    • Example: “I attract financial wealth, career success, and opportunities that bring me luck and happiness.”
  2. Sprinkle Nutmeg: Sprinkle a pinch of nutmeg over the written intentions. Nutmeg is known for its ability to attract good fortune.

Sealing the Spell

  1. Place the Paper in the Pumpkin: Cut a small opening at the top of the pumpkin and place the folded paper inside.
    • As You Place: Say, “Pumpkin bright, with seeds of gold, bring me wealth, manyfold.”
  2. Add Sunflower Seeds: Sprinkle the sunflower seeds into the pumpkin along with the paper.
    • As You Sprinkle: Say, “Seeds of the sun, bring me wealth, opportunities, and good health.”

Completing the Spell

  1. Pour Water: Pour a small amount of water into the pumpkin, symbolizing the nourishment of your intentions.
    • As You Pour: Say, “Water of life, nourish my dreams, bring me prosperity, in endless streams.”
  2. Seal the Pumpkin: Close the top of the pumpkin and place it in a heat-proof dish or cauldron.
    • As You Seal: Say, “With this pumpkin, my wish is sealed. Prosperity and luck are revealed.”

Closing the Ritual

Thanking the Elements

  1. Extinguish the Candle: Thank the candle for its energy and safely extinguish it.
  2. Bury the Pumpkin: Find a special spot in your garden or a nearby park and bury the pumpkin. This returns your intentions to the earth to grow and flourish.

Reflect and Ground

  1. Reflect: Spend a few moments in quiet reflection, feeling the prosperity and luck you have invited into your life.
  2. Ground: Ground yourself by eating a small piece of fruit or a handful of sunflower seeds, connecting yourself to the earth’s abundant energy.

By performing this Pumpkin Prosperity Spell, you align yourself with the energy of abundance and invite prosperity and luck into your life. Embrace the magic of the pumpkin and let the season of harvest bring you the wealth and fortune you desire.

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